Jawaban dari "Change The Following Active Sentences Into Passive Voice 11. Gina Will Have Given The Present Before..."

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Kami sudah menyusun 1 cara menjawab dari change the following active sentences into passive voice 11. gina will have given the present before.... Silakan lihat cara mengerjakannya selanjutnya di bawah ini:

Change The Following Active Sentences Into Passive Voice

11. Gina Will Have Given The Present Before Midnight

12. Mrs. Yusi Runs The Shop Every Weekend

13. David Should Decide The Winner Of The Contest Tonight

14. They Had Bought An Apartment Near The Beach

15. Alison And Her Daughter Will Be Occupying A New Apartment By The End Of This Month

16. He Was Saving His Money In The Bank

17. I Have Grown A Kitten Lately

18. Riki Hid The Food Under The Table Last Night

19. Charles And George Examine Their Patients In The Laboratorium

20. MU Will Defeat Arsenal FC On Final

Jawaban: #1:



11. The present will have been given before midnight by Gina

12. The shop is run every weekend by Mrs. Yusi

13. The winner of the contest should be decided tonight by David

14. An apartment near the beach had been bought by them

15. By the end of this month, a new apartment will be being occupied by Alison and her daughter.

16. His money was being saved in the bank by him

17. A kitten has been grown lately by me

18. Last night, the food was hidden under the table by Riki

19. Their patients are examined in the laboratory by Charles and George

20. Arsenal FC will be defeated on final by MU


  • Passive voice is focused on the object and the action rather than the doer of the action. When we want to change the active voice to the passive voice, keep in mind that we must put the object at the beginning of sentence as well as the action. Meanwhile, the doer of the action will be the agent in the passive voice.
  • Harap diperhatikan baik-baik, bahwa tidak semua kata kerja yang terlampir dalam kalimat aktif bisa dirubah ke dalam bentuk Passive. Pastikan bahwa kalimat aktif tersebut termasuk transitive verb ( dimana kata kerjanya memerlukan obyek untuk memperjelas informasi ). Passive voice tidak bisa merubah kata kerja tanpa obyek ( Intransitive verb ).  Contoh : Go, sleep, occur, happen .
  • Dalam perubahan dari kalimat aktif ke passive, obyek kalimat aktif akan diposisikan sebagai Subyek dalam kalimat pasif. Sedangkan Subyek kalimat aktif akan diposisikan sebagai obyek preposisi (Agent ). Passive voice mengikuti bentuk tenses dan tidak merubah arti sebenarnya dari kalimat aktif.
  • Harap diperhatikan pronoun nya ( kata ganti orang ). Pronoun akan berubah berdasarkan posisi kelas kata ( parts of speech ) dalam kalimat pasif.
  • Ciri khas penerapan kalimat passive BE + VERB 3 ( past participle )

Transformasi perubahan kalimat Active ke Passive

11. Rumus passive future perfect

S+will+have+Verb 3 + O   ( Active )

Gina will have given the present before midnight ( Active )

S(O)+will+have+been+verb 3 + by + Agent   ( Passive )

The present will have been given before midnight by Gina ( Passive )

12. Rumus passive simple present tense

S+verb1 (s/es )  + O      ( Active )

Mrs. yusi runs the shop every weekend ( Active )

S(O) + tobe(is/am/are)+verb 3 + by + Agent  ( Passive )

The shop is run every weekend by Mrs. Yusi ( Passive )

13. Rumus passive modal verb

S+Should+verb 1 + O   ( Active )

David should decide the winner of the contest tonight ( Active )

S(O)+should + be + verb 3 + by + Agent  ( Passive )

The winner of the contest should be decided tonight by David ( Passive )

14. Rumus Passive Past perfect

S+had+verb 3 + O     ( Active )

They had bought an apartment near the beach  ( Active )

S(O)+had + been + verb 3 + by + Agent   ( Passive )

An apartment near the beach had been bought by them  ( Passive )

15. Rumus Passive Future Continuous

S+will+be+ Verb-ing + O     ( Active )

Alison and her daughter will be occupying a new apartment by the end of this month ( Active )

S(O)+will+be+being+verb 3 + by + Agent ( Passive )

By the end of this month, a new apartment will be being occupied by Alison and her daughter. ( Passive )


"By the end of this month" merupakan adverb of time ( keterangan waktu ) yang harus diletakkan di awal kalimat supaya tidak terlihat bertumpuk dengan Agent-nya cndititonal sentence.

16. Rumus Passive Past Continuous

S+tobe(was/were)+verb-ing + O     ( Active )

He was saving his money in the bank ( Active )

S(O) + tobe(was/were)+being+ Verb 3 + by + Agent ( Passive )

His money was being saved in the bank by him

17. Rumus Passive Present Perfect

S+has/have+verb 3 + O     ( Active )

I have grown a kitten lately  ( Active )

S(O)+has/have+been + Verb 3 + by + Agent ( Passive )

A kitten has been grown lately by me ( Passive )

18. Rumus Passive SImple Past

S+Verb 2 +  O   ( Active )

Riki hid the food under the table last night  ( ACtive )

S(O)+was/were+verb 3+ by + Agent   ( Passive )

Last night, the food was hidden under the table by Riki ( Passive )


Adverb of time (keterangan waktu) "last night" bisa diletakkan di awal kalimat.

19. Rumus passive simple present

S+verb 1 (s/es ) + O    ( Active )

Charles and George examine their patients in the laboratory  ( Acttive )

S(O)+tobe(is/am/are) + Verb 3 + by + Agent  ( Passive )

Their patients are examined in the laboratory by Charles and George

20. Rumus Passive simple future

S+will+Verb 1 + O     ( Active )

MU will defeat Arsenal FC on final

S(O)+will+be+verb 3 + by + Agent  ( Passive )

Arsenal FC will be defeated on final by Manchester United. ( Passive )


For more information, learn about the related topics  :

brainly.co.id/tugas/18300489 ( example of another P.V exercise ) brainly.co.id/tugas/10852935 ( pattern of passive voice for all tenses )

brainly.co.id/tugas/19548217 ( example of positive, negative & interrogative passive voice )

Detail Answer

Level          : Shs   (11 )

Subject       : English

Category    : Sentence structure

Code          : 5

Categorization  : 11.5.8

Keywords    : Active ; Passive voice ; evaluation ; all forms

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