Jawaban dari "Make Up The Dialogue Based On The Following Illustration. 1. You And Your Mother Are Going To The Fl..."

Apakah sobat suka dikasih tugas sama kampus? Tapi anda tidak dapat menyelesaikannya? Sebenarnya ada beberapa strategi untuk menyelesaikan peer tsb, salah satunya adalah dengan cara bertanya pada orang tua. Di samping itu, melihat jawabannya di google bisa menjadi cara jitu sekarang ini.

By the way, kami sudah menyiapkan 1 cara mengerjakan dari Make up the dialogue based on the following illustration. 1. You and your mother are going to the Fl.... Tak perlu panjang lebar, langsung saja pelajari cara menjawabnya selanjutnya di bawah:

Make Up The Dialogue Based On The Following Illustration.

1. You And Your Mother Are Going To The Flower Shop And Then You Meet A Tourist And Ask You Where The Coffee Shop Is.

2. You Are Going To The Book Shop. But Then You Loose The Way. And You Want To Ask Someone In Front Of The Music Centre, Because You Are There.

3. Siti Is On The Ladies' Hairdresser. She Wants To Go To Watch Shop, And Also Has A Plan To Buy A Crystal In A Crystal Shop. But She Doesn't Know Where Is The Place And She Asks You About That.

Jawaban: #1: a: can you tell the way to coffeshop?
t: yes of course, its offer there.
a: thank you
t: ur wllcm

Darwin Nunez vs Crystal Palace : LiverpoolFC

(sumber gambar: www.reddit.com)

Kalau sobat masih punya pertanyaan lainnya, silahkan cari juga jawabannya di web ini.

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