Jawaban dari "Complete The Table Of The Comparitives And Superlatives Tolong Di Bantu Kak​"

Complete The Table Of The Comparitives And Superlatives Tolong Di Bantu Kak​ termasuk salah satu soal yang banyak dicari dan dapat sobat baca jawabannya disini.

Kami telah memiliki 1 cara mengerjakan atas complete the table of the comparitives and superlatives tolong di bantu kak​. Monggo lihat jawabannya selanjutnya di bawah ini:

Complete The Table Of The Comparitives And Superlatives

tolong Di Bantu Kak​

Jawaban: #1:


1. Brave =

Com. = braver than

Sup. = the bravest of

2. Close =

Com. = closer

Sup. = the closest of

3. Safe =

Com. = safer than

Sup. = the safest of

4.Wide =

Com. = wider than

Sup. = the widest of

5. Cheap =

Com. = cheaper than

Sup. = the cheapest of

6. Fast =

Com. = faster than

Sup. = the fastest of

7. Thick =

Com. = thicker than

Sup. = the thickest of

8. Young =

Com. = younger than

Sup. = the youngest of

9. Big =

Com. = bigger than

Sup. = the biggest of

10. Fat =

Com. = fatter than

Sup. = the fatest of


- Untuk comparatives(menyatakan sesuatu yg LEBIH dari sesuatu yg dibandingkan, misal lebih cantik, lebih mahal, lebih murah, dll), jika adjectives(adj)-nya hny 1 suku kata, maka ditambah -er dibelakangnya lalu diikuti kata than(tpi tdk semua suku kata, misalkan sj lihat di jawaban) atau lebih maka didepan adj tsb di tambah kata more lalu setelah adj diikuti kata than, ex : more beautiful, more interesting(lbh menarik),etc, tpi ad pengecualian, spt good-->better than, bad-->worse than, etc...

- Untuk superlatives, silakan pelajari di link berikut


smoga jawaban n penjelasanny dpt membantu dan dpt dimengerti

maaf klu ad yg slh ato kliru

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