Jawaban dari "E. Look The Table And Make Sentences Using Can Or Can't"

E. Look The Table And Make Sentences Using Can Or Can't termasuk salah satu soal yang dapat sobat temukan jawabannya disini.

Kami telah menyiapkan 1 jawaban tentang E. look the table and make sentences using can or can't. Silakan pelajari jawabannya selengkapnya disini:

E. Look The Table And Make Sentences Using Can Or Can't

Jawaban: #1:

1. a. atiqah can play guitar

b. atiqah's mother can't play guitar

c. atiqah's father can't play guitar

d. atiqah's sister can't play guitar

e. atiqah's brother can play guitar

2. a. atiqah can't play piano

b. atiqah's mother can play piano

c. atiqah's father can't play piano

d. atiqah's sister can play piano

e. atiqah's brother can't play piano

3. a. atiqah can't play biola

b. atiqah's mother can't play biola

c. atiqah's father can play biola

d. atiqah's sister can play biola

e. atiqah's brother can't play biola

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